Alex James is an American moderate, extreme right, and extreme right trick scholar and a radio personality. He was born in Dallas, Texas, to a dental specialist father and a housewife mother. He is of Irish, German, English, Welsh, and Comanche drop.

James is the proprietor of the fear inspired notion site It advances fear inspired notions and phony news. Also, he has The Alex Jones Show, which the Genesis Communications Network organizations across the United States and on the web.

Last week, he lost a criticism preliminary recorded by Sandy Hook Elementary School understudies’ folks as he guaranteed that the slaughter won’t ever occur. He has been requested to pay $49 million in corrective and compensatory harms.

Erika Wulff Jones Images On Twitter Alex Jones purportedly sent bare pictures of his better half Erika Wulff Jones to political expert Roger Stone under the steady gaze of it arrived at a legal counselor addressing the guardians of a youngster killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Accordingly, Twitter is as of now loaded up with individuals deriding and censuring the connivance scholar Mr. Jones.

Lawyer Mark Bankston, the delegate of the guardians of a survivor of the shooting, Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis, affirmed that the cozy photograph was among the information incidentally shipped off him by Jones’ legal counselor.

The word has gotten out ridiculously on the web of late, and the extreme right trick scholar Alex Jones has been under much analysis as of late.

Talking with The Young Turks, Mr. Bankston said, “I’m a little worried about it since that close photograph was shipped off Roger Stone, and I couldn’t say whether that was consensual.” But, he added, “And in the event that it wasn’t consensual, Mrs. [Erika] Wulff Jones ought to be aware of that.”

Spouse Of Alex Jones Exposed By Sandy Hook’s Lawyer Erika Wulff Jones has been in a gigantic embarrassment following the disclosure of her bare photograph being shipped off Roger Stone by her better half, Alex Jones.

Sandy Hook legal counselor Mark Bankston, who addressed a casualty’s folks, uncovered that Jones sent the photos to the political expert Mr. Stone, who sent them to him.

On his show, Jones acknowledged that there was a bare photograph of his significant other that he sent her. He said, “Thus, my better half looks very great. The fact is, there is one stripped image of my significant other, so that is the thing they got! No d- – k pics, no nothing.”

— Erika Wulff Jones (@WulffJones) November 13, 2020

Mrs. Jones has not spoken about the matter yet. Her reaction on the issue and regardless of whether the image was consensually sent still needs to be known.

48-year-old Alex Jones, who had guaranteed that the Sandy Hook School slaughter was a bogus banner activity and never really occurred, lost his slander preliminary last week. He has been requested to pay $49 million in reformatory and compensatory harms.

Did Erika Wulff Jones Divorce Alex Jones? No, Erika Wulff Jones has not separated from her better half, Alex Jones. Be that as it may, she is yet to talk regarding this situation and has not put out an authority announcement.

Alex was recently hitched to Kelly Jones. The two are guardians of three youngsters. Notwithstanding, the marriage finished in separate from in March 2015. The separation and the care of the kids were disputable as Kelly looked for sole guardianship of their youngsters because of Alex’s ways of behaving.

Jones wedded Erika Wulff in 2017. The couple is the guardians of a kid. Up to this point, no marriage contact has been accounted for in the media. In this way, it appears to be that the couple is embracing a positive outlook, till now. Be that as it may, what befalls their relationship after the naked photograph debate is not yet clear.