The response to their coverage seems to have opened their eyes to the possibilities in eSports. As such, ESPN has launched a brand new section of their website today that’s dedicated solely to the coverage of eSports. Despite past dismissals of the legitimacy of eSports - ESPN’s  president himself has said before that they’re not real sports - it seems that this move is a step towards giving esports athletes the recognition that they deserve. 

Chad Millman, editor-in-chief of and ESPN Magazine, had this to say:

In a post from ESPN MediaZone, it was announced that for the first week, readers can expect “video, news on the current and future state of eSports, off-season grades that look back on the past season of multiple league championships from around the world, and profiles on gamers who have influenced the meteoric rise of eSports. Reporting will also be delivered from the opening weekend of the North America League of Legends Championship Series on January 16. Fans will be able to tweet and share content from the site by following @ESPN_esports.”

From what I can gather from itself, it looks like the majority of the coverage will encompass League of Legends, DOTA 2, and Hearthstone with the potential to cover other topics. Scrolling through, you can see Halo and Starcraft II on the page as well, which leads one to assume that big gaming events for other eSports based games will be covered. Counter Strike: Global Offfensive  and SMITE are likely to see coverage as well.

Can we look forward to ESPN coverage of EVO or the CS:GO Championship? As eSports makes its way towards garnering major mainstream attention, we can certainly hope so.

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