CCP Games recently announced another upcoming live event, one that may very well dwarf the participation seen during the Battle of Caldari Prime. This has “unprecedented” written all over it. The four empires — Amarr, Caldari, Gallente, and Minmatar — working together against a common and mysterious threat:

On November 7th 2013, all capsuleers are asked to report to one of two rally points, the systems of Sarum Prime and Meves. They will be formed into racial fleets, and are set to depart at 18:50 UTC.

Whereas the target is unknown, the destination might not be. Some claim that this unprecedented level of cooperation between the four empires is the result of a mysterious explosion that occurred in the Syndicate region on November 5th. A destination somewhere within Syndicate may be a very strong possibility.

Others claim that this might be an action against the Sansha’s Nation in order to end their incursions into empire space. From a purely gameplay standpoint, that seems highly unlikely. Incursions are a major source of PvE content and income for players in EVE Online, and their removal would cause a great deal of player dissatisfaction.

Whatever the target might be, this is looking to be one of the more involved and popular live events in EVE Online history. So much so, that CONCORD has issued some strange and enigmatic warnings:

If you’re a EVE Online player, be sure to be either the Sarum Prime or Meves systems well before the 18:50 UTC departure.