The Joker is fixated on everything Batman-related, and needs it on the record: he’s not content with ‘Ric’ Grayson permitting his Nightwing persona to shrink away. While some comic fans may commotion for customary Dick’s arrival, contingent upon the Joker for help in that field… is most likely a misstep.
The scandalous ‘Ric Grayson’ showed subsequent to Nightwing was shot by the KGBeast while on the lookout with Batman as Nightwing. Subsequent to waking from a restoratively prompted unconsciousness, he came back to Blüdhaven, turned into a cabbie and started alluding to himself as ‘Ric.’ Barbara Gordon contacted him, however with extreme memory misfortune and no memory of his past battling close by the Dark Knight, Ric dismissed his previous existence and endeavored to decimate his time as Nightwing. In any case, a bunch of police and a fireman unearthed one of Dick’s shelters and turned into the new Nightwing, endeavoring to fill the void left missing by the legend. Ric attempted to grasp his new life and endeavored to overlook his vigilante impulses yet was very fruitless and wound up working close by the Nightwings. All while shuffling clashing recollections of his previous existence.
The presence of bogus Nightwings doesn’t agree with the Joker, who can’t let Dick Grayson stay Ric Grayson under his sociopathic watch. The Joker shows up in Blüdhaven after Ric has beaten the Court of Owls’ endeavors to additionally control his recollections and enroll Grayson as a Claw professional killer. The jokester insane person dispatches the understudies and in Nightwing #71 shows up in the bar claimed by Ric’s adoration intrigue Bea Bennet, with a crowbar close by and roughly wearing the remainders of a Nightwing outfit. Ric appears so as to prevent Bea from enduring the most exceedingly terrible of Joker’s essence however doesn’t prevent the scoundrel from coming into ownership of the precious stone the Court of Owls used to play with the previous sidekick’s recollections. Enacting the precious stone, Joker makes his abhorrence of the name Ric known, and impacts Dick to accept the name “Dicky Kid” as he revamps Grayson’s memory again.
Batman’s most notable protégé has had a rough way as of late. The Court of Owls’ resurgence in Gotham lead to Dick learning of his upsetting familial ties and associations with the mystery association. Afterward, Dick Grayson’s way of life as Nightwing was uncovered. In the wake of having his heart halted, he permitted the world to accept he was dead for a period, and went covert as a mystery operator in the pages of Grayson. The most recent memory issues brought about by cerebrum injury have just been aggravated by the Court of Owls’ controls, and it would show up the Joker has his own arrangements for the previous Robin, sure to turn into a factor in the up and coming Joker War.
For certain enthusiasts of Nightwing, seeing their cherished legend wandering so distant from the Dick Grayson they know and love has not been simple. In any case, a piece of Dick’s story post-Robin has consistently been tied in with scanning for who he is past the shadow of Batman and Bruce Wayne. It was that aching for a character that he felt OK with that motivated the introduction of Nightwing in any case. While what’s coming down the road is a secret, the Dick Grayson unwavering fans know: the carnival trapeze craftsman on a fundamental level consistently gets himself before he falls excessively far.