Apparently, EverQuest Next is not as closed-box as we might have previously thought as certain individuals were able to see it at E3 behind closed doors. In fact, was able to get an exclusive first look, and it was enough for them to give their “Best of E3” award to SOE for their work.

Due to their strict NDA, details were not allowed to be released until after the big reveal but they were able to give us a quick tid-bit of information that may have us drooling for more. 

It seems the hype and promises that Sony Online Entertainment has been touting might not be without backing. did say that it would compare to “any” game and not just an MMORPG, which many MMO gamers are ready for.

Do you have faith in EverQuest Next? The hype for this game is ramping up quickly with little to no facts around. Either the reveal will be disappointing, or it will be mindblowing. My money is on mindblowing.