Yesterday I formed a list of the five games from E3 I am most excited for, and I realized that in my top 5 was at least one game from Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Even though it can be fun to debate which company won E3, it would appear that video game players were the real winners.

Big three software lineups

From Xbox, we saw an incredibly strong first party lineup including Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Gears of War 4. These games, along with the new Microsoft IP Recore, have me incredibly excited as an Xbox One owner. Outside of software, we learned about backwards compatibility on Xbox One, a very consumer-friendly move that makes me feel respected as an owner of the console.

In the Sony conference, it was all about games. Uncharted 4, The Last Guardian, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and let’s not forget the Final Fantasy VII remake. Sony brought the games this year. Although many of them are not slated for 2015 release, it is a great time to own a PS4. Street Fighter V and Persona 5 will both be coming to PlayStation 4 this year, along with great third-party titles.

Even Nintendo, who by all accounts had a rough press conference, had exciting games to show off. The two that I am most excited for are Xenoblade Chronicles X and Super Mario Maker. At the very least, these games look great, but once you add Star Fox Zero and The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes you have a pretty decent 2015 lineup, with Zelda Wii U and Fire Emblem: Fates on the way in 2016.

Third-party support

Let’s not forget the great third-party publishers’ games. EA, who had an awful press conference, had Star Wars Battlefront. Ubisoft brought South Park: The Fractured but Whole, The Division, and Rainbow Six Siege. Square Enix brought the Final Fantasy VII remake, Kingdom Hearts 3, and Rise of the Tomb Raider amongst other great games. Of course Bethesda also brought a great game in Fallout 4, along with Doom and Dishonored 2.

The point that I am trying to make is that each company offered something great. It doesn’t matter what platform you own or love, there is something for you and your fellow gamers. Even EA and Nintendo, who are thought to have had the worst conferences, had at least something great to offer.

Just remember that these companies are vying for your dollar, and that is a very good thing, as evidenced by this year’s E3.