He is an individual from the ICANN Compliance and Domain Name Industry Subcommittee and the American Bar Association (ABA) Copyright and Social Media Committee.


He is likewise a Google Analytics Certified Individual and a Certified Licensing Professional (CLP). Doug Bania has been an assigned master in around 95 cases, has been ousted multiple times, and has affirmed multiple times in court.

Douglas Bania Wikipedia Details Doug Bania is a pioneer investor of Nevium Intellectual Property Consultants.

Nevium is a protected innovation counseling firm represent considerable authority in IP methodology improvement, IP valuation, and adaptation, as well as master proof on IP harms and permitting customs and practices.

Doug works in evaluating harms for encroachments of copyright, trademarks, and exposure privileges. He’s likewise managed criticism, marketing system research, sovereignty rate assessments, and web-based entertainment and the Internet.

Declaration On Johnny Depp Amber Heard Trial As per licensed innovation master Douglas Bania, American entertainer Johnny Depp’s picture was harmed by Amber Heard’s abusive behavior at home charges in a 2018 commentary.

Bania, who was a specialist observer for Depp, gaining practical experience in licensed innovation misfortunes and valuation, featured the downfall of Depp’s picture starting around 2016 while introducing declaration in Fairfax County Circuit Court on May 2. He gave the jury outlines showing his examination of the Pirates of the Caribbean entertainer’s Q score (a technique for deciding big name agreeability) and Google list items.

He’s an intellectual property and damages expert.

WATCH WITH ME LIVE : https://t.co/HdDIAGyxVB#JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard pic.twitter.com/pcrcRcCzNh

— ThatUmbrellaGuy (@ThatUmbrella) May 2, 2022

Before 2016, Johnny Depp’s list items were for the most part great and dull, as per Bania’s examination. His Q score plunged between the time Heard petitioned for a limiting request against Depp in May 2016 and the time she composed the commentary in late 2018, as his Google query items uncovered much more bad news inclusion.

Heard will affirm with all due respect. Depp’s side is supposed to wrap up its case soon.