This guide will help both types of players navigate through this event, whether your goal is to acquire all of the rewards or just one in particular.

The Basics

The Dark vs. Light event requires a fresh character(s), meaning one that has been created after June 28. You will be using the newly created character to complete objectives and move through the ranks of the event.

There are 6 levels to be completed, and each level becomes increasingly involved. Those levels are as follows:


Heroic Level Legacy Level Valiant Level Champion Level Eternal Level Legendary Level


During the event, the community’s alignment choices will be recorded. As the event’s title describes, this is a battle between Dark side choices and Light side choices. At the end of the event, the side with the higher score will be victorious. Whichever side is victorious will determine which companion is given to the community as a reward, Darth Hexid or Master Ranos.

The Rewards

The main reward comes in the form of Dark vs. Light Packs. These packs contain armor sets, items, dyes, and mounts that embody the essence of both Light side and Dark side. The items received in the packs will be Bind on Pickup, meaning that they cannot be sold – but these items are unlockable to be used account-wide.

Other rewards include titles that are earned as you complete each level, pets, mounts, and two special armor sets that give experience bonuses to the wearer.

Level Guide

Below details the objectives and rewards for each of the 6 levels that players will advance through during the event.

Heroic Level


The Story Begins: Players must raise a Dark vs. Light event character to level 25.


5 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In-Game Title: “The Heroic Victor”

Legacy Level


The Story Continues: Players must raise a Dark vs. Light event character to level 50.

Flashpoint Responder: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete certain Story Flashpoints. The Story Flashpoint options are as follows: Republic Character Esseles Taral V Maelstrom Prison Empire Character Black Talon Boarding Party Foundry


Shade Stalker Runt Mini-pet Victorious Pioneer’s Armor [Helm, Chest, Legs] 10 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In-Game Title: “The Destined Victor”

Valiant Level


Revan: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete the Shadow of Revan expansion story content.

Outlander: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete the first 9 chapters of the Knights of the Fallen Empire (Ch. 1-9) expansion story content

Home Sweet Home: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete the introductory mission for “Galactic Strongholds”.


Victorious Trailblazer’s Bike Mount Victorious Pioneer’s Armor [Belt, Bracer] 10 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light In-Game Title: “The Valiant Victor”

Champion Level

Starting at this level, players will be required to create a new character to complete certain faction specific objectives. These objective are marked below with an “E” for Empire specific and an “R” for Republic specific.


Alliance Commander: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete all 16 chapters of the Knights of the Fallen Empire (Ch. 1-16) expansion story content.

Building Alliances: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete 5 Alliance recruitment missions.

Valor: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character and raise their PvP valor level to 5.

Flashpoint Expert: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete the following Flashpoints. (These Flashpoints can be completed either as a Tactical Flashpoint or on Solo Mode)


-          Cademimu

-          The Red Reaper

-          The Battle of Ilum

-          Kuat Drive Yards

-          Korriban Incursion [E or R]

-          Battle of Rishi

-          Tatal V [R]

-          Boarding Party [E]

-          Directive 7

-          Czerka Corporate Labs

-          Depths of Manaan

-          Assault on Tython [E or R]

-          Maelstrom Rpison [R]

-          The Foundry [E]

-          The False Emperor

-          Czerka Core Meltdown

-          Legacy of the Rakata

-          Blood Hunt

Victorious Trailblazer’s Armor Set Victorious Pioneer’s Armor [Gloves, Boots] 15 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In-Game Title: “The Champion Victor”

Eternal Level

Completion of this level is required to receive the community companion reward at the end of the event.


Republic Icon: Players must raise a Republic Dark vs. Light event character to level 65

Imperial Icon: Players must raise an Empire Dark vs. Light event character to level 65

Eternal Contender: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete 5 rounds in the “Eternal Championship”.


Darth Hexid or Master Ranos Companion 15 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In-Game Title: “The Eternal Victor”

Legendary Level

This level is the most involved of the 6, and requires a significant time investment to complete all of the objective, and there are a lot of objectives (20 in total)!


Gree Slayer: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to defeat 50 Gree droids during the Gree event. (Requires a level 65 character)

Living Plague: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to defeat 50 Rakghouls during the Rakghoul Resurgence event. (Requires a level 20+ character)

Plaguebearer: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to infect 5 other players during the Rakghoul Resurgence event. (Requires a Level 20+ character)

Manhunter: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete 3 Bounty Contracts during the Bounty Contract Week. (Requires a level 15+ character)

Dreaded News: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to defeat 50 NPC’s on Oricon. (Requires a level 55+ character)

Giant Killer: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to defeat the following World Bosses: Rogue Cartel Warbot [Quesh] Snowblind [Hoth] The Primal Destroyer [Belsavis] Ulgo Siegebreaker [Alderaan] The Worldbreaker Monolith [Ziost]

Dragonslayer: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to defeat the listed bosses in an operation. (Any Mode) Karagga the Unyielding [Karagga’s Palace] Operator IX [Terror from Beyond] Sparky [Ravagers] Gate Commander Draxus [Dread Fortress] Titan 6 [Scum and Villainy] Eternal Champion: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete round 10 of the “Eternal Championship”

Flashpoint Master: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete all Hardmode Flashpoints.

Ace Starfighter: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete 5 Galactic Starfighter matches.

Warzone Veteran: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete 15 Warzone matches.

Ziost: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to complete the Ziost story content.

Alliance Hero: Players must raise 8 separate Dark vs. Light event characters to level 50, one of each class in the game.

Crafting Virtuoso: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to advance each of the following crafting skills to level 550: Armormech Armstech Artifice Biochem Cybertech Synthweaving Merciless: Players choose Dark side choices on a Dark vs. Light event character to reach Dark V Alignment.

Righteous: Players choose Light side choices on a Dark vs. Light event character to reach Light V Alightment.

The Collector: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to find the 5 new Datacrons located on the following planets: Ilum Makeb Nar Shadaa Oricon Voss Big Earner: Players must earn 1 million credits on a Dark vs. Light event character. (This can be achieved by mailing your DvL character 1 million credits from a pre-existing character. )

Big Spender: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to purchase the Stronghold Decoration “Datacron: Dark vs. Light”. (The vendor, Gwhirrye Nekor, is located in the Alliance Camp Headquarters. The item costs 1 million credits)

Ruthless Efficiency: Players must use a Dark vs. Light event character to unlock the HK-51 droid companion. (This can be achieved by purchasing the legacy unlock feature if you have already unlocked HK-51. )


Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount Victorious Titan’s Armor Set 30 Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Packs In-Game Title: “The Legendary Victor”